Instakills are, as one would imagine, moves that are designed to swifty take someone from very high/full health to little to no health. There are a bunch of different kinds, and new ones seem to be popping up all over the place. As far as I know, most of these were made by kraise/korean, and one by shunli. The others, I'm not sure who made them, if you know, share your knowledge with me and I'll give credit where it's due. Most of these don't really have names, so I'll give them plain ones.
Note: The massive strikes are optional. They do a bit of damage, but their main function is to get the opponent stunned and in a position where it is easy to uppercut them, beginning the instakill.
Basic Instakill
uppercut --> block --> shoot --> switch guns --> shoot again ( you can use rs)
This is the most basic instakill. Uppercut them, shoot them once in midair at the top of their flight, switch to your second gun, and shoot them again as they come down.
Juggling Instakill
uppercut --> block --> shoot
This instakill will kill anyone from any amount of health/armour. The only catch is you need an automatic, and it doesn't work if they safefall. You stun & uppercut the opponent as usual, and when they're at the top of their arc, aim at their head and hold shoot with your automatic. The stream of bullets will keep them suspended in midair until they die.
Multiple-Uppercut Instakill
uppercut --> block --> shoot --> repeat
I quite like this one. You uppercut them, shoot them once at the top of their arc, move forward, uppercut them again just as they land, shoot again, and repeat. This one is safer, as you don't need to rely on both your shots hitting. It takes longer though, so be careful if there are other opponents around you.
Sword-only Instakill
uppercut --> block --> jump --> slash --> ( you can either slash or bf then dbf them or slash them or bf them to death XD)
I find this Insta. to be pretty difficult to pull off, it's hard to get the timing right. You uppercut them, wait a second, then jump-dash-slash so you hit them just as they hit the ground. The slash will stun them, and you bf them, slash them or dbf them continuously so they stay up in the air and die. Practice in Gladiator games, preferably one on one so no one else will attack you. This instakill takes the longest to do.
R.I.P. Instakill (created by shunli)
jump --> slash --> switch to gun --> switch to sword --> dash --> slash --> switch to gun --> switch to sword --> dash --> uppercut --> shoot --> jump --> dash --> slash(hold) --> switch to gun --> gun will shoot --> opponent dies.
Sorry I wrote it out like that, it's for people who don't have the other moves down. Abbreviated form:
massive strike --> quickslash --> flashstep(without touching the ground first) --> uppercut --> shoot --> SS/HS as they hit the ground
This one is difficult, and very complicated. Looks cool though
I haven't got the timing down right yet, but practice will do it.
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